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We offer
Payroll Services

Payroll processing is an unavoidable aspect of running a business, that extracts time, energy and cost without generating any return for your business.

An increasing amount of businesses are realising that it makes more sense, both from a commercial and operational perspective, to outsource the payroll function. It removes the onerous responsibility of running a payroll function with all the related costs and allows valuable resources, most notably time, to be redirected back into the business and dedicated to more value-creative and productive tasks.

Berrill Kiernan & Associates can add real value to your business. Your business obtains a fully functioning payroll system, that is fully compliant with the most up to date and relevant legislative obligations at a cost-effective price.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at our offices in Drogheda or one of our team directly to find out more about the services we provide in this area.


Why do I need an accountant?

Isn’t it just larger businesses that need an accountant?
Of course not, even the smallest business can benefit from advice on ways to minimise tax and manage their accounts. If you prefer, we can handle all of your bookkeeping, regular management accounts and VAT returns on your behalf. The added benefit of us being involved is that having prepared the books it makes the final accounts much easier, saving time and keeping costs down.

Is it expensive to use an accountant?

Working with an accountant is an added cost to any business. However, the cost should be offset by the value they add. We work closely with our clients to achieve their goals. By getting to know you and your business well, we can tailor what we do specifically for your needs and your strategy, thereby adding value.

How do you charge?

We aim to provide you with a fixed fee quote that will cover the areas we will work on together. This will be based on the complexity and volume of the tasks involved. Should any additional assignments come up during the year then we will provide a quote in advance, unless the matter is urgent and it is in your best interests to take action on your behalf. We offer you the chance to pay our fees monthly and avoid having a large invoice in one go, which helps your cashflow. One thing is for sure, if you telephone with a query you won’t get a bill. We want you to let us know how you are.

Can I maintain my own accounting records?

If you want to keep your own accounting records, then that is fine. If you need some help then we can give you some training. Ensuring that you understand the best way to prepare your accounting information makes it easier for us to complete your accounts or tax return. If we do this for you then you can concentrate on running your business.

I've been up and running for a couple of years. How can you help me?

Sometimes it helps to have a fresh pair of eyes look at your business. We will listen to you and firstly understand the history of the business and then how you want to develop it. We can carry out a “healthcheck” of the operating systems, management and financial reporting in place; advise on any matters arising and recommend any actions required. All designed to match up with your goals, which we established at the outset.